About Me

I run a blog, over at Exold.com, which touches on a wide variety of topics. Some of the most useful are reviews of books, recreational substances, movies and music. I often have some of these, or related, items I’d like to sell, but in many cases they either fit too specialized a market to sell on eBay (at least for anything close to their real value), or they’ll sell fine, but possibly not soon, which makes it possible to end up paying several months’ worth of insertion fees by the time they sell.

This shop lets me offer goods for sale in a way that makes it reasonable to use for items that take a while to sell, while still providing you reasonable ease of use.

I’ve been on the internet since, well, back in the BBS days. I dialed direct into Cult of the Dead Cow. I had a Prodigy account at one point. I had a GEnie account at one point (Federation II was my game of choice). For quite some time I had the rudeboy.org domain (not because I’m rude — usually quite the opposite — nor because I’m a big ska fun; it was mostly because of my history as an enforcer on the streets of Kingston…or something like that). I sold that to someone who had a strong desire and a bit of pocket change, and picked up the domain “exold.com”. I plan on being there a good long time.

I also have a business, Ars Arboris, through which I market and sell my wood-related art and other such. If you’re interested in art, wood, woodworking, and the like, please give it a looksee!